Mar 27, 2020
We’re all going to be impacted in some way by the fallout from the financial markets and it might take some time for many people to recoup the losses suffered this past month. Once this passes and we come out on the other side, what will you do to strengthen your portfolio and avoid the same mistakes?
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Today's rundown:
0:25 – How is Joel adjusting to life working from home?
3:05 – Why we feel confident our small business we’ll make it through this shutdown.
5:54 – Tweet of the Week
7:14 – Once we get on the other side of this, what are some of the things we should learn from this. That’s our focus today.
7:40 – What should we be prepared for next time that we weren’t this time?
9:36 – Next time we’ll know we had too much risk in our portfolio.
15:28 – Should you be making changes to your 401k right now and repositioning yourself?
17:07 – Maybe we should dial back the amount of news and information we’re taking in everyday.
20:04 – Now that we’re talking about planning, what exactly does a plan consist of?