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Listen to Johnson Brunetti's Money Wisdom with Joel Johnson CFP®, host of Better Money Television program and Forbes Contributor. Gain true financial wisdom and advice aimed at educating you about all of your financial options when it comes to retirement so you can make the best decisions for you and your family. Get information and education that can bring you peace of mind with your savings and retirement. Whether it’s your 401k account, IRA, or an underperforming asset, Joel Johnson can answer your questions and make you more aware of issues that may affect you.

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May 12, 2023

Like anything else in life, financial planning is much easier to do in hindsight. We all have a few (or more) decisions we’d like to go back and change if we could. Let’s talk about a few of the regrets people are probably coming to terms with today.


Here are some of the things we discuss in this episode:

  • 1:16 – Did you miss the long bull run following 2008 because you were too worried and conservative?
  • 3:32 – Not understanding how much risk you had until 2022 hit
  • 6:36 – Regretting starting Social Security too early
  • 11:10 – CEO’s Corner with Joel Johnson – Advice he’d give his younger self
  • 19:43 – Mailbag question on what to do with excess income in retirement
  • 21:48 – Mailbag question on raising your savings goal because of retirement


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