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Listen to Johnson Brunetti's Money Wisdom with Joel Johnson CFP®, host of Better Money Television program and Forbes Contributor. Gain true financial wisdom and advice aimed at educating you about all of your financial options when it comes to retirement so you can make the best decisions for you and your family. Get information and education that can bring you peace of mind with your savings and retirement. Whether it’s your 401k account, IRA, or an underperforming asset, Joel Johnson can answer your questions and make you more aware of issues that may affect you.

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Oct 27, 2023

Today we’re going to talk about how to handle the taxation on stock that isn’t in an IRA and gets inherited. For example, let’s say someone bought 100 shares of Apple stock in 1987 and they leave it to their kids when they pass away. How are you taxed on this stock? To help us answer the question, we’ve brought on Jake Doser, a financial advisor at Johnson Brunetti.


Here’s some of what we discuss in this episode:

  • How the step-up in basis works.
  • The difference in proactive and reactive management.
  • A few considerations to make in regards to taxes during income planning.
  • How the brokerage account fits into the income plan for retirees.
  • Why you don’t want to create a joint account with your child.


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